I am writing this on the the eve of the Great American Solar Eclipse. It’s fascinating to see how many folks are paying attention to this eclipse. I remember a solar eclipse in August of 2017 and the collective consciousness was not as focused on it as it is now. Whether you have your glasses to watch, are spending the day meditating, or are simply living your regular daily life, I am sure we will all feel the collective shift.

To celebrate and honor all that we are moving through individually and collectively I am excited to be getting back out there offering both meditation classes and live music for yoga. Please check out my offerings and I hope to see you in person.

Sunday Meditation Series at Dennisport Yoga 11am April 21, 29 May 5, 19 REGISTER

Friday April 26 Sounds of Compassion at Dennisport Yoga 6pm REGISTER

Friday May 3 A New Bloom with Yera Gomes at Soma Yoga 7:30- 9:30 REGISTER We are in the season of new blooms. As we move through the vitality of Spring, we’re invited to nurture our ideas, plant seeds and connect with the renewal of nature. This is a time of rebirth, growth, awakening and the beginning of new life. We are encouraged to reflect on and acknowledge the cyclical patterns of our lives, embrace the energy of change, and align our efforts towards personal and collective transformation.

Join Yera and Alicia as we honor this time by sitting in circle, practicing breathwork, yin and restorative poses, and with live music and chanting. Our intention is to nourish the potency of this moment and nurture our ability to actualize our hearts’ wildest dreams.

I am also available for one-on-one sessions whether Rising Star Healings, Transformational Coaching, or Mantra Sound Therapy. I am continuing my own deep meditation and self-compassion practices and look forward to sharing my evolving vibration with you whenever our paths my cross. Book Here.

Know that you are deeply loved exactly as you are.

March has arrived – one of my favorite months on planet Earth. Way back in 2012 (how is that 12 years ago?) I released 2012: Isn’t it Amazing? in March and it was a big moment for me. Following a down and confusing period of my life these songs and this energy came through me helping to launch a new and awakening decade of singing, recording, serving and teaching through my practice Sounding Still Wellness.

Fast forward to March 2024 and I am emerging again from a new deep and transformative time (more on that soon). Perhaps you too are experiencing many changes and evolutions. As you know, change may be necessary, but it’s not always easy.

In my life both mantras and the Rising Star Healing Therapy have been incredible tools in helping me know myself better, transform and heal aspects that might feel out of balance, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. This month of March I am making myself available for both Rising Star Healings and one-on-one mantra sessions. If you have had risings stars with me before, this is a perfect time to invite this energy back in, reactivating your natural most balanced self and highest path going forward.

It is my intention to serve as many that feel called to receive. It is a powerful time for Humanity and no one is meant to move through this time alone or feeling unsupported.

Rising Star Healing sessions are $150/session and recommended to be done 3 times, 21 days apart.

The one-on-one mantra sessions include a 45 minute phone call or zoom session where we create or choose your mantra together and then I create a mantra recording for you to continue working with. These sessions will begin at $111 for a limited time.

If you are interested in either of these opportunites to feel supported and more connected to your True and Resonate self, please reach out through CONTACT.

Enjoy one of my most requested mantras, Gate Gate

Happy Autumn 2023!

What an incredible time of ongoing change and transformation. I am thrilled to let you know I am offering chanting and music for yoga on Cape Cod over the next couple months, as well as Rising Star Sessions and Transformational coaching sessions (in person and Long-distance)

It’s an incredible time to turn your focus inside and allow yourself to awaken or heal even more and to do it with ease and joy. Let me know if I can be of service to you!

Rising Stars are possible on Saturday October 14 on Cape Cod
IN PERSON between 12-4:30. EMAIL me to book.

Long-distance Rising Stars and Transformational coaching sessions (on zoom) are also available on Tuesday and Friday afternoons/eve from 4:30-8pm by appointment. EMAIL me to book.

LEARN MORE about the Rising Star Healing Sessions

15 Years of Music LISTEN on BANDCAMP

A Song from Alicia recorded October 2021

It’s hard to believe we are here again at June 21 – summer solstice. This is absolutely one of my favorite times of year. It could be because I am a music teacher and at this point I am usually done will all my duties and off on a 10 week break from teaching. If you are teacher, you know the sweetness of this moment. 😉

It is also a time I have traditionally travelled to my spiritual home Creacon Wellness Retreat. When in Ireland at this time it is light out until 10:30pm and the glory of the gardens are breathtaking. The trip I took there last year was such a gift. As some of you may know I shifted my yearly trip to March in 2023 – and so I get to enjoy this beautiful Solstice time here on Cape Cod. What grace!

I have had many life shifts since February of this year and as I sit here feeling rested and relaxed it’s hard for me to fathom all the decisions I made and changes I co-created over the last few months. Whew! Perhaps you are feeling the same way.

I have relocated to Cape Cod again full time and will be teaching at a new school in the fall called the Inly School located in Scituate. This return to the south shore and teaching at a Montessori school makes my heart sing in all the right ways! I am incredibly grateful for the three years I spent teaching at the Meadowbrook School of Weston and carry the passion of my colleagues and students with me forever.

The biggest shift though, perhaps is that I just had a successful hip replacement surgery. WHAT????It has been quite a journey and experience and I must say – somewhat miraculous. This choice to have surgery and correct arthritis that I had in my hip is leading me to walk forward with strength in love and flexibility. It will allow me to hike and swim and play lots and lots of music shows. I can’t wait to see you out there in the end of 2023 and all of 2024. I am heading into the studio in August with my co-producer Allison Leyton-Brown and we are planning to make some great fun and magic, so stay tuned for new music coming soon.

Until then, I am healing and resting. contemplating and meditating, playing and connecting and enjoying the grace and glory of what it is to be alive right now on this planet.

My first big public event is at Maine Yoga Fest at the end of July – so come check it out – there are many incredible teachers and musicians to help serve you and co-create more ease and joy in your life.

As I have been healing, I was blessed to sign up for Vivienne Gerard’s Online program called Loving Ourselves – it includes Loving Our Mothers and Loving Our Fathers and has been an incredible support and awakening for me. If you find yourself moving through difficult things or yearning for more optimum health in your life, I encourage you to check out her program. I will be on all the classes beginning July 7, so perhaps I will see you there. If you do sign-up mention you heard about it from me.

So much love to all. I hope you are listening to me on Bandcamp, Apple Music, Amazon, Spotify, etc. and maybe even in your car with a good old fashioned CD.

Please reach out if I can be of service in anyway.

love love love

Happy 2023. Here we are on February 6, day after a full moon in Leo and finally feeling like we are truly moving forward into a new calendar year.

I am reflecting on the power of our own voices a lot lately. I am a human who has sung since I was a small child and made a life of writing my own songs and then singing them, in my own voice for the past 35 years. (recording a few of the songs along the way) What have I learned doing that? Not unlike what Lizzo shared last night at the Grammy’s: Even if you feel like an outsider, like people don’t get you, keep going and be yourself. You will find your people. You will attract people to you that will support you. This is so true. In all areas of life.

Not all of us may experience that Truth at the level of Lizzo, but we can experience it and the experience of listening to your own voice, acting from it, sharing it and having someone else acknowledge with joy and love that your voice is special is such a thrill and something I want all beings to experience.

Perhaps this is why I find myself teaching children music. When they feel heard and honored for their unique voice, they light up like a lightbulb and we can all feel it in the room, including me.

What lights you up right now? How can you allow for more of that as we continue on in this year? Everything is possible in any given moment and we can always invite in something new or amplify something present that we want more of. This is the power of our voice – inside and out. I am thrilled to have begun work on a new album (creating new music always lights me up!) and hope to release it to all of you before year end.

I am also thrilled to be returning to Ireland March 17-19 to lead Song of Rebirth at Creacon Wellness Retreat. This amazing opportunity to return to this beautiful place each year and travel with a group of souls exploring, healing and rebirthing the power of our voices is such a blessing for me.

There are still spots left, so if you want to remember, discover new sounds and amplify the power of your own voice, consider joining us. Book Directly At Creacon Website.

love love love

I have been aware of the energy of 11/11 for almost 15 years now. What is that energy? I like to think of it as a Unity energy. I imagine each 1 in 11/11 is a pillar of Light standing next to another pillar of light. What happens when we all allow ourselves to be our lightest, most peaceful and connected selves? What happens when we have the courage to acknowledge our human struggles and choose love and connection still.

This is the journey I continue to walk and I am beyond blessed to have had the resources, family and friends and spiritual teachings that I have had thus far.

That being said, I also feel like I am on the verge of somewhere I have never been before – like that moment in Back to the future where Doc says ” Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” Can you relate? Do you feel like both an individual and collective awareness or awakening is happening and you are not sure about your next step? Or you can see the next step but it’s hard to trust it’s actually going somewhere.

You are not alone.

We (Humanity) need you to remember as best you can and live into who you truly are in service of yourself and all. This remembering can be joyful! This remembering is why we are here. This remembering can happen while living and connecting and being a regular old human.

What a miraculous time to be alive.

Thank you for tuning in to my music and my journey and the way I choose to share it. I would love to see you in person on Dec. 21 on Cape Cod at Dennisport Yoga for a Solstice Celebration with yoga and music and ritual co-led by Leigh Alberti and Joanna Benevides.

I would also love to see you in Ireland March 17-19 at my beloved Creacon Wellness Retreat Center. It will be a powerful and nurturing time of connection and creation. To learn more about Sound of Rebirth and book the retreat, visit the Creacon website.

Big love to all and know that my music and it’s vibration is always available and in service of you. Find me on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and if you are listening a lot or feel moved, feel free to send me a little love in the form of money.

I am also updating on my instagram page if that is something you. choose to tune into.

Big love to all. Enjoy this final passage of 2022.

love love love


This past month of September I was posting one of my most popular songs a lot on Instagram called Sweet September. I also re-learned a song I wrote 29 years ago September Again to help support the release of my friend Felice Cohen’s new memoir Half In. (Check it out, It’s awesome!) It was such a busy month of getting back to teaching and feeling much more scheduled, I didn’t even get a chance to write a blog.

So, here we are in OCTOBER again. I love this month. I have always wanted to write a song about (or during) October that really embodies the magic of this month, but I haven’t yet. Maybe in the next 3 weeks…..I will keep you posted.

In the meantime, Check out what I have coming up this month – a Retreat in NH on Nov. 5, Solstice yoga and chanting on Dec. 21 on Cape Cod at Dennisport Yoga and a March Retreat in Ireland at my beloved Creacon. As I type this I am waiting to connect with Fugan Dineen, my old friend and excellent drummer (it’s him chanting on one of my most streamed tracks OM GAM GANAPATYE NAMAHA). So, hopefully some kirtan and chanting events from us will emerge soon in the New England area.

Be gentle with yourself out there and trust your flow, no matter whether it syncs perfectly with anyone else.

We are in a time of community – small community. Who are you spending time with? Who is supporting you? How can you nurture and expand on that positive loving energy? and if you are not feeling that small community in a loving way, what do you need to do in your own life to allow more of that in?

Love you all. Keep singing, keep playing, keep on keeping on!

PS. my new favorite album is from Deva Premal & Miten and includes a track with India.Arie. Check it out.

I am so grateful for my absolutely dreamy experience in Ireland and at Creacon Wellness Retreat Center. I was able to have some solo retreat time and then lead 6 other women through the Sound of Solstice Retreat. What an absolute joy and gift!

I am sharing a general message to them all in hopes they might tune into my website and soak it in.

I collected all their email addresses to send them out a private message today, one week after the retreat and alas, I have lost the list of emails. Business manager anyone? 😉

Open your heart. breathe deeply. All is well

During the weekend we chanted, laughed, created our own mantras and songs and rested. It was a unique and personal journey for each of us and a collective one that inspired and healed all of us.

In the transformational coaching practice I am trained in, there is a mantra: “We do not become ourselves by ourselves.” After this time with these 6 beautiful women, I can feel this truth in every cell of my being.

We all have a gifts. We all have struggles. I invite you to take this month to tune in deeply to your own vibration and seek out similar vibrations that reflect the best of you and can nurture you as you become tender and more flowing in the harder parts.

The favorite mantra of our time together at Creacon was the heart sutra (not suprising).

Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bohdi Swaha

For more chanting, songs and good vibrations, join me at the Maine Yoga Fest July 15-17 and in Hyannis overlooking the harbor on July 21 6-7:30pm.

If you are interested in a coaching or Rising Star Healing Session, NOW IS THE TIME to reach out, as I am off from teaching school full time until September.

Happy Happy Joyful July!

love love love, Alicia

I have been singing on the winter and summer solstice for over ten years and I am deeply aware that these thresholds of nature – of shifting from season to season – are to be acknowledged and celebrated.

In this time when we as humanity have created both a multi-cultural and evolving reality, along with so much polarization and feelings of isolation, what could be better than coming together as fellow humans to celebrate the Sun.

The Sun – An energy we all share and need.

And in the magical vibration that is IRELAND!

This June 24-26 I will be leading a retreat at my beloved Creacon Wellness Center and would love for you to join me. During this retreat we will be relaxing, listening deeply, learning to chant and sing, developing our meditation and chanting practice, journaling, laughing, asking ourselves deep questions, inviting ourselves to be silent when needed, and enjoying the healing, luxurious energy that is Creacon

You may be thinking is this the right time to book a flight to Ireland and hang out with Alicia with everything going on in my life and in the world? I would say YES!

The time is NOW.


In Ireland on the summer solstice there is magic and I want to share that magic with you. This may be the last Summer Solstice retreat I do in Ireland for many years (more on that later), so if you are feeling the call, I encourage you to GO FOR IT!

As much is falling away and changing and shifting, so much more is also being born and created. As we allow this new creation to fully manifest, we need each other. We need to gather with like-minded folks and support this collective rebirth.

My whole life has been about transitions and transformation. And my music has a special way of guiding me and others through transformation in a loving, joyful, and peaceful way.

So whether you are feeling strong and ready to take who you are to the next level or you are feel weary and just need some TLC and time to rest, THIS RETREAT IS FOR YOU!

Come to Ireland and give yourself a gift of Grace.

You can also join me in person on May 21 in the North End of Boston at Soma Yoga with Amy Leydon or July 15-17 at the Maine Yoga Fest.

love you all! Jai Jai Ma!

Here we go again. Does anyone else feel like life becomes more and more non-linear and time moves in a whole new way?

I am grateful to be here now and feeling like something is opening up in a new way I haven’t felt in a long while. There is the obvious practical parts of that. For instance in just a few weeks I will be a music teacher again without masks. Teaching children, singing freely without masks. Alleluia!

Also, many of my friends and colleagues are beginning to tour and play as live musicians again. It’s been a long long couple of years for us independent musicians.

There is also a much deeper energy happening internally that I am aware of.

As I write this I am sitting at a kitchen table on Cape Cod – the kitchen table that I have experienced many ages. A kitchen table that has fed and loved me and my family through multiple decades in multiple moments of time.

What a gift and privilege to have this physically manifested anchor in my life. The gift that allows me to see how sometimes this table has been an incredibly comfortable and safe place, while other times it felt alien and scary to me. The table has always been the table, so what is actually shifting?

Our world right now is also reflecting to us the same thing. How does your world feel to you? Is it safe and comfortable? Does it feel alien and scary? If you are anything like me, you probably feel your life, your body, and your world in both ways.

This is the time I believe we are in. A time of holding the paradox. a time of incredible transformation and evolutionary expansion. It reminds me of the song “Isn’t it Amazing?” I released in 2012. In fact, that whole album seems to have great resonance in this moment right now.

Our awareness and ability to hold multiple beliefs and vibrations has expanded. This can sometimes feel overwhelming and confusing. And yet, it feels to me like this is exactly why we are here. This time invites us to become clearer, softer, stronger and more willing to hold the paradox in every moment and in every cell.

It’s easy to think you know. It’s easy to persuade someone else to your side. It’s easy to hold onto to answers or solutions, even if they no longer work.

What I am interested in is opening to new questions. Can I have the courage to stay curious and keep asking questions when so many around me want answers and certainty? Can I remember my soul is here to seek and wonder and LIVE in the questions opening to more and more love, acceptance and co-creation?

Being a seeker, a songwriter, a singer, a teacher, a healer, a mystic wanderer. This is who I have always been. And this is what I will continue to become and express. What it may look like day to day will always evolve, but the vibration of love, peace, truth, right-conduct and non-violence will continue to be my anchors.

I am so excited for some upcoming live events in which I will be singing and sharing this vibration: April 10 for Yoga Reaches Out New England at Gillette Stadium, June at Creacon Wellness Retreat and July At Maine Yoga Fest.

Join me, join others. Let’s remember again who we are, why we are here and the glorious experience of singing and being together.

Love love love

Coming up on 10 years since we released Isn’t it Amazing? WOW!